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Abbasi, Z., Cabrera, J. M., Ebrahimi, R., & Schafler, E. (2023). Microstructural characteristics, mechanical and corrosion properties of a low-alloyed Mg alloy after different deformation processing. In J. M. Cabrera Marrero (Ed.), Superplasticity in Advanced Materials: ICSAM 2023 (pp. 197-204). Association of American Publishers.

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Tabachnikova, E. D., Hryhorova, T. V., Shumilin, S. E., Kolodiy, I. V., Shapovalov, Y. O., Semerenko, Y. O., Smirnov, S. N., Kashuba, I. V., Tikhonovsky, M. A., Zehetbauer, M. J., & Schafler, E. (2022). Mechanical properties of a two-phase high-entropy Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 alloy down to ultralow temperatures. Low Temperature Physics, 48(10), 845-852.

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Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 381