Showing entries 241 - 260 out of 381
Leitner, M., Vogtenhuber, D., Pfeiler, W., & Püschl, W. (2010). Monte-Carlo Simulation Of Atom Kinetics In Intermetallics: Correcting The Jump Rates In Ni3Al. Intermetallics, 18(5), 1091-1098.
Rogl, G., Grytsiv, A., Rogl, P. F., Bauer, E., Kerber, M., Zehetbauer, M., & Puchegger, S. (2010). Multifilled nanocrystalline p-type didymium - Skutterudites with ZT > 1.2. Intermetallics, 18(12), 2435-2444.
Slezak, T., Slezak, M., Zajac, M., Freindl, K., Koziol-Rachwal, A., Matlak, K., Spiridis, N., Wilgocka-Slezak, D., Partyka-Jankowska, E., Rennhofer, M., Chumakov, A., Stankov, S., Rüffer, R., & Korecki, J. (2010). Noncollinear Magnetization Structure at the Thickness-Driven Spin-Reorientation Transition in Epitaxial Fe Films on W(110). Physical Review Letters, 105(2), Article 027206.
Mikikits-Leitner, A., Sepiol, B., Leitner, M., Cieslak, J., & Dubiel, S. M. (2010). Nucleation mechanism of the sigma-to-alpha phase transition in Fe1-xCrx. Physical Review B, 82(10), Article 100101(R).
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Stankov, S., Sladecek, M., Slezak, T., Lazewski, J., Röhlsberger, R., Sepiol, B., Vogl, G., Chumakov, A., Rüffer, R., Spiridis, N., Zajac, M., Slezak, M., Parlinski, K., & Korecki, J. (2010). Phonons in Iron Monolayers. In International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2009) Article 012144 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Meiszterics, A., Rosta, L., Peterlik, H., Rohonczy, J., Kubuki, S., Henits, P., & Sinko, K. (2010). Structural Characterization of Gel-Derived Calcium Silicate Systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory, 114(38), 10403-10411.
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Rennhofer, M., Kozlowski, M., Laenens, B., Sepiol, B., Kozubski, R., Smeets, D., & Vantomme, A. (2010). Study of reorientation processes in L10-ordered FePt thin films. Intermetallics, 18(11), 2069-2076.
Supplit, R., Sugawara, A., Peterlik, H., Kikuchi, R., & Okubo, T. (2010). Supported and Free-Standing Sulfonic Acid Functionalized Mesostructured Silica Films with High Proton Conductivity. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010(25), 3993-3999.
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Lomoschitz, M., Peterlik, H., Zorn, K., Baumann, S. O., & Schubert, U. (2010). Titanium alkoxo oximates, with surfactant-like properties of the oximate ligands, as precursors for porous TiO2 and mixed oxide sol-gel films. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20(26), 5527-5532.
Stankov, S., Miglierini, M., Chumakov, A., Sergueev, I., Yue, Y. Z., Sepiol, B., Svec, P., Hu, L., & Rüffer, R. (2010). Vibrational thermodynamics of Fe90Zr7B3 nanocrystalline alloy from nuclear inelastic scattering. Physical Review B, 82(14), Article 144301.
Leitner, M., Sepiol, B., Stadler, L.-M., Pfau, B., & Vogl, G. (2009). Atomic diffusion studied with coherent X-rays. Nature Materials, 8(9), 717-720.
Showing entries 241 - 260 out of 381