Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 120 von 377
Pfeiler, W. (2016). Experimentalphysik: Band V: Quanten, Atome, Kerne, Teilchen. Walter de Gruyter. De Gruyter Studium
Stana, M., Sepiol, B., Kozubski, R., & Leitner, M. (2016). Chemical ordering beyond the superstructure in long-range ordered systems. New Journal of Physics, 18(11), [113051].
Pfeiler, W. (2016). Experimentalphysik: Band IV: Optik, Strahlung. Walter de Gruyter. De Gruyter Studium
Pfeiler, W. (2016). Experimentalphysik: Band III: Elektrizität, Magnetismus, elektromagnetische Schwingungen und Wellen. Walter de Gruyter. De Gruyter Studium
Konegger, T., Tsai, C. C., Peterlik, H., Creager, S. E., & Bordia, R. K. (2016). Asymmetric polysilazane-derived ceramic structures with multiscalar porosity for membrane applications. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 232, 196-204.
Stana, M., Ross, M., & Sepiol, B. (2016). Experimental evidence of effective <111> atomic exchanges in a B2 intermetallic alloy.
Pfeiler, W. (2016). Experimentalphysik: Band II: Wärme, Nichtlinearität, Relativität. Walter de Gruyter. De Gruyter Studium
Pfeiler, W. (2016). Experimentalphysik: Band I: Mechanik, Schwingungen, Wellen. Walter de Gruyter. De Gruyter Studium
Chacon-Torres, J. C., Dzsaber, S., Vega-Diaz, S. M., Akbarzadeh, J., Peterlik, H., Kotakoski, J., Argentero, G., Meyer, J. C., Pichler, T., Simon, F., Terrones, M., & Reich, S. (2016). Potassium intercalated multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 105, 90-95.
Vecera, P., Holzwarth, J., Edelthalhammer, K. F., Mundloch, U., Peterlik, H., Hauke, F., & Hirsch, A. (2016). Solvent-driven electron trapping and mass transport in reduced graphites to access perfect graphene. Nature Communications, 7, [12411].
Richter, R. (2016). Description and prediction of the dispersion of common ragweed. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
Appiah, C., Akbarzadeh, J., Stojanovic-Marinow, A., Peterlik, H., & Binder, W. H. (2016). Hierarchically Mesostructured Polyisobutylene-Based Ionic Liquids. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 37(14), 1175–1180 .
Hülber, K., Wessely, J., Gattringer, A., Moser, D., Kuttner, M., Essl, F., Leitner, M., Winkler, M., Ertl, S., Willner, W., Kleinbauer, I., Sauberer, N., Mang, T., Zimmermann, N. E., & Dullinger, S. (2016). Uncertainty in predicting range dynamics of endemic alpine plants under climate warming. Global Change Biology, 22(7), 2608-2619.
Shi, L., Rohringer, P., Suenaga, K., Niimi, Y., Kotakoski, J., Meyer, J. C., Peterlik, H., Wanko, M., Cahangirov, S., Rubio, A., Lapin, Z. J., Novotny, L., Ayala, P., & Pichler, T. (2016). Confined linear carbon chains as a route to bulk carbyne. Nature Materials, 15(6), 634-639.
Stana, M. (2016). Studies of atomic diffusion in binary alloys by aXPCS: with particular attention to B2 phases. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
Cognigni, A., Gaertner, P., Zirbs, R., Peterlik, H., Prochazka, K., Schroeder, C., & Bica, K. (2016). Surface-active ionic liquids in micellar catalysis: impact of anion selection on reaction rates in nucleophilic substitutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(19), 13375-13384.
Pühringer, J., & Sepiol, B. (2016, Apr 7). Messung der Paarverteilungsfunktion an binären Legierungen.
Grünewald, T. A., Ogier, A., Akbarzadeh, J., Meischel, M., Peterlik, H., Stanzl-Tschegg, S., Loeffler, J. F., Weinberg, A. M., & Lichtenegger, H. C. (2016). Reaction of bone nanostructure to a biodegrading Magnesium WZ21 implant - A scanning small-angle X-ray scattering time study. Acta Biomaterialia, 31, 448-457.
Waitzinger, M., Elsaesser, M. S., Berger, R. J. F., Akbarzadeh, J., Peterlik, H., & Huesing, N. (2016). Self-supporting hierarchically organized silicon networks via magnesiothermic reduction. Monatshefte für Chemie, 147(2), 269-278.
Ross, M. (2016). Atomic Diffusion in Glasses Studied with Coherent X-Rays. (1. Aufl.) Springer. Springer Theses
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